Submission of Abstracts

We invite you to submit abstracts for a diverse range of presentations: Individual presentations, Panel presentations, Art-based discussions and Posters. Abstracts must be submitted by 31 July 2024. A maximum of two papers per lead presenter.

Please download the general submission guidelines to help you prepare your submission.

Step by Step Guide

Download Call For Papers

Step 1: Create Your Account
To submit your abstract you will need to first create an account via the login box below to access the abstract submission platform. 

*Check your spam folder for the activation email
* See sample account activation email and short guidance video 

If you do not receive an account activation email please contact: 

Step 2: Submit Abstract – Deadline: 31 July 2024
Login to the abstract submission platform (login box below). Once logged in, select the “Add Abstract” button and fill in the information required. We will be notified once you have submitted your abstract and the review process will begin.

Step 3: Review Process
All abstracts will be reviewed to determine if the abstract will be accepted or rejected. Feedback and edits will be provided via the platform. You can then edit your abstract accordingly

Step 4: Abstract Acceptance / Rejection
You can check your abstract status via the platform.
If accepted, you still need to register for the conference as a presenter. If rejected, you can register and attend the conference as a delegate.

Step 5: Registration – Closes:  30 September 2024
All attendees, regardless of status, need to register for the conference once registration is open.

Step 6: Payment – Due: 30 September 2024
Once you have registered you will receive an email with all the payment information

Forgot Password
Please enter your email address and we will send you instructions to reset your password.

Your abstract should include, but not be limited, to the following:

  1. Purpose/objectives of the paper
  2. Conceptual/theoretical background or framework
  3. Methods/techniques
  4. Results/conclusion/contributions/implications

Please ensure that all abstracts are written as one paragraph. The abstract should contain information refering to and touching on the categories listed above, (eg. purpose / theoretical background / methods / results) but no headings should be used within the abstract itself to indicate this.

For panel submissions you should follow a two step process:

1. First download this MS word template and complete it with all the necessary details offline and save it as an MS word file.

2. Then log in to submit your panel using the abstract submission system and during the submission of your panel copy and paste the relevant section from the MS word template into the online abstract submission box (max 1,000 words), then also attach the completed MS word template as an attachment before completing submission.